Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Digital World of Photography

Wat Phoo, Ubon Ratchathani

In a recent world, many people linked in the fanatic activity of digital photography. Concerning of the facts that many are involved of photography organization, seminars and gathering with relation of photography. Maybe it is because of the internet are flooding everywhere and no matter of your age, you can easily get or inform of whatever you want it too. It’s obviously due to modern era that makes things happened easily and accurately.

We back 15 years ago. Taking pictures is not easy task to do. Need more time, money, and effort with the skill of photographer is a big factor to get a good quality picture. All of that was done in trial and error. No word as perfect, every time you click the shutter. Angle of shoot, Subject poses, Availability of lights, Background of the subject, Color combination of the entire scene, setting arrangement of the camera pertaining to Shutter Speed and Focal Opening or Aperture. The longer you are working in photography the more you become skilled. And also the more you wanted more gears and gadgets. It’s very expensive equipments for a professional photographer. It’s unusual to become a photographer of that time.

But now a day, photography is rampant all over the world. It is maybe due to the fact of easiness and speedily of the digital technologies. Digital Camera is one of the most sold items in the world. As many people get into fun of taking pictures in an easy way. No need to memorize those settings arrangement of the camera to get a good quality of picture. No need of waiting the result of you’re captured from any printing laboratories to develop the film, just looking and scanning to the LCD if either it’s good or not or retake. And of course with the help of the software’s (Photo editors – like Photoshop and etc...) is big factor of todays. As I’m surfing the net, I’ve seen a lot of good quality pictures most of them were been processed by some photo editors (software). Surfing around flicker.com and you will see how some people get enjoyed of taking pictures as a hobby.

In my time as a photographer, I took pictures coz it’s my business or job. I cover weeding, birthday, burial, graduation and any special occasion. It’s indeed help to get my profession, as I’m a working student during my high school and college days. It almost 50% neat gained per coverage. I invested all to my education without regrets. But today freelance photography business is not really doing well as I’ve heard as friend who manages and shift from still to movie coverage. Many individual now covering their own activities as we all know digital technologies is everywhere. Cellular phones, Compact Digital Cameras, Single Lens Reflex Cameras are growing.

Mid year of 2006, the second coming to Thailand, is the year of flashing back to my memory in photography as encouraging and amusing of photos that I’ve been browsing on the net. Knowing some people who engage in photography in my hometown was the key to my excited mind to comeback shooting as a part of my hobbies not on the business but who knows maybe I will?.. I’m really proud of the Ormoc photographers, The (OPS) Ormoc Photographic Society for their work of art. I can say that some of them are now masters of digital processing. Another that I admired too is the work of Master J, of the (SPAS) Siam Pinoy Aperture Society.


  1. nice blog.....nice color conbination....

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  3. A very good start. I saw that you have just started not so long ago. But still you able to put up many good things in your blog that will keep the interest of the people and gave some information as well.Keep it up my friend!

    P.S. I think I will visit your page as often as I can.

  4. Thanks AmskyDCPhotography

    I'm really glad that you dropping my blogs. I really appreciated your comments. In any how, you are so welcome to visit more often and shares ideas every now and then...

    thanks again.

  5. It's good that your comment section is working once again Lol!
    A good story about the green rough snake.Good picture as well...
    I caught a baby python 6 months ago in my garden sleeping on my hanging orchid. I tried to tame and make it as a pet for 3 weeks. But my neighbors does not like it. So, I freed the snake.
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    Thanks for visiting my page and God bless!!!

  6. nice pix, bai! :)


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